“Sizzling Hits of the 1700s”:  13-Weeks of Baroque Music That Makes You Bop

DALLAS, JUNE 5 -  Lumedia Musicworks kicks off the Summer with its latest project, “Sizzling Hits of the 1700s”. This 13-week musical journey will release one recording per week from the ensemble’s own archive, frequenting audiences with samples of early classical music from around the world.

Each week, starting Monday, June 12, a new audio track will be released, featuring familiar works. “This extended project will reveal some delightful and unexpected masterpieces of the period, and will also showcase the quality and virtuosity of this local ensemble in a retrospective way,” explains Julianna Emanski, Artistic Director. 

The project will feature a wide range of composers, including Claudia Sessa,  Juan Francés de Iribarren, and the renowned Antonio Vivaldi. Listeners will also hear tracks that inspire the group’s future short films. 

Baroque music is also known as “Early music.” It was a time when exquisite musical craftsmanship and elaborate ornamentation flourished. “Sizzling Hits of the 1700s” is intended for listeners from the curious newcomer to the seasoned aficionado.

“Sizzling Hits of the 1700s” will be available on popular streaming platforms, including Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube Music. Stay tuned and sign up for notifications of the latest releases:  https://mailchi.mp/lumediamusicworks/summer-2023

For press inquiries, please contact: 

Julianna Emanski



About Lumedia Musicworks: Lumedia performs live concerts in Dallas, and maintains a digital presence via short films and documentary series that are accessible at no cost online: www.LumediaMusicworks.com. Short films have won numerous awards at film festivals in the U.S. and abroad, and are distributed as in-house television programming to hospitals throughout Texas and the United States. The documentaries are freely accessible online, and taken to DFW senior centers as interactive presentations. 

Date: June 12 - Sept 4

Location: Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and other streaming platforms

Register for notifications: https://mailchi.mp/lumediamusicworks/summer-2023

Website: https://www.LumediaMusicworks.com


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